Monday, October 1, 2007

Radiohead and Bergman

Two of my favourite things!

Radiohead just announced last night their new album, In Rainbow, is being released in nine, count them, nine days. True to form, Radiohead is not playing by the rules. Their album is only available for download from their website for however much you want to pay for it (that's right, if you want it for free, its free, if you want to pay fifty grand, you pay fifty grand). A physical copy will be released for eighty three dollars which includes the album on vinyl and cd, a bonus vinyl and cd, a book of art and photography, and a whole bunch of goodies. Way to surprise guys.

Finally bit the bullet and shelled out sixty clams for MGM's Bergman box set. I have seen most of the Criterion treatments of Bergman's films, but have not seen these. Should make for hours of depressing existential angst and overbearing bleakness. Hooray for Bergman!

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