Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Coming this fall...

...if you live near a really big city, that is. This winter is going to be one of the best in years for film. Unfortunately, most of those films are limited release, and most of us (the viewing public) won't get an opportunity to see them until the DVD is released.

P.T. Anderson's "There Will be Blood," is already garnering comparisons to "Citizen Kane" in terms of brilliance. Added incentive, The composer for the soundtrack is Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead fame.

The Coen Bros. "No Country for Old Men," has been called "Perfect" by Roger Ebert. (eventually it will get a wide release, but it will take a few weeks)

"Atonement." From the guy who brought a surprisingly good rendition of the "done to death" Jane Austin novel, Pride and Prejudice, comes Atonement which is already garnering Oscar talk.

The brilliant, or brilliantly flawed (depending on who you talk to), "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, is also limited.

Wes Anderson's latest outing, "The Darjeeling Limited" is also limited release.

Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd" will also test the waters rather than jump in full force.

"Grace is Gone," i.e. the film that will hopefully save John Cusack's career...also limited.

The highly anticipated festival favourite, "Wristcutters: a love story," will also be limited.

finally, Wong Kar Wai's first english language film, "My Blueberry Nights," does not have a US release date pinned down yet.

I suppose I can't complain, but I am going to anyway.


add Noah Baumbach's "Margot at the Wedding," and Sydney Lumet's "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" to the list.


Adam J Porcella said...

This post makes me so happy, I might just steal it for my own blog.

linneaminich said...

I'm pretty sure this (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799934/) makes your list, too, oh exciting exciting happenings. Thank God for good independent theaters, yes Columbia, SC rocks. Nice new blog, by the way, everyone's goin' blogspot these days.